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Penn State - Dissertations and Theses - Library Guides at Penn State University
The graduate program in Comparative Literature at Penn State offers two admissions tracks, based on the starting credentials of incoming applicants. Students coming into the program with a B. in literature or a vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university field s are generally admitted into the 6-year M. Students who enter the program already holding an M. in Comparative Literature or related field s whether from Penn State or from other universities generally enter the 5-year PhD—only program.
Designed for students to complete both an M. and a Vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university. in a single sequence, this program is designed for advanced students who will receive their Ph. in a total of 6 years post- B. This program may also be suitable for students who hold an M. in a related field, but who will benefit from more coursework in Comparative Literature.
The total credits required for the 6-year program are The program consists of course work, a candidacy examination, a demonstration of language proficiency, a comprehensive examination, and a dissertation—in that order.
Students entering the graduate program who hold an M. degree in Comparative Literature or a related field s may be selected to enter the 5-year Ph. The total credits required for the 5-year program are course work is in addition to courses used to satisfy M. It includes. Students should organize their coursework around an vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university unifying principle, such as a genre, period, or theme, or a specific, well-defined problem involving literature and another discipline, or literary theory and criticism.
Students in the 6-year pattern take the candidacy exam and the comprehensive exam; they also prepare an M. paper in accordance with the guidelines specified for the M.
This paper requirement should be met by the fourth semester of the program. Students in the 5-year program do not do an M. To meet university requirements for an M. The usual expectation is that all, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university nearly all, courses in the 5-year program will be at that level. Doctoral work requires graduate-level study in three languages. One of these languages may be English. Some students find that their areas of interest will require the acquisition of additional languages during their doctoral program.
Graduates of our doctoral program have tended to concentrated on literatures in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Work in the medieval literatures of some of these languages for example, Old French is also common.
Working with their advisor and the Director of Graduate Vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university, students should in their first year establish a clear plan for fulfilling the foreign language requirement during their time of study. During the second year of coursework, students prepare for the PhD candidacy exam, which consists of written and oral portions. The purpose of the exam is to determine whether the student should continue to work toward the Ph.
It must be taken early in the Ph. program, so this decision can be made before either the department or the student has made an extensive commitment. Working with the Director of Graduate Studies, students select an advisor and form faculty committees to administer the exam. During the final year of coursework, students take a Comprehensive Exam in consultation with their doctoral committee, which prepares, conducts, and evaluates the exam.
The comprehensive exam has two parts. The second part consists of an oral exam based on the dissertation prospectus. The second part of the exam is dedicated to discussing the dissertation prospectus. It is conducted by the candidate's dissertation committee. A complete draft of the dissertation must be made available to the committee at least two weeks before the scheduled defense. Immediately following the defense, the doctoral committee meets to discuss the quality of the written and oral components of the dissertation, to make the decision of pass or fail, and to determine the revisions, if any, to be undertaken before they will approve the dissertation.
Dissertations judged by the committee to be of superior quality are awarded departmental distinction. The student and the dissertation chairperson should plan a calendar of progress that will allow adequate time for the final draft to be read within vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university department and revised, if necessary, before it is due at the Graduate School.
In some cases for example, if a member of the committee is out of townit may be necessary to allow more time. Each student works with an individually appointed doctoral committee of faculty members. The composition of the committee, the nucleus of which is usually the same group of faculty that has administered the candidacy exam, is subject to the approval of the Graduate Director and to the regulations of the Graduate School, which officially appoints these individual committees for each doctoral student.
At least four Penn State members are needed. The major field CMLIT must be represented by at least two members of the department. The committee also includes a faculty member whose field of vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university is different from that of the candidate, and a faculty member whose home department is outside CMLIT these may or may not be the same. The doctoral minor or dual-title degree program if any must have representation on the committee. A CMLIT faculty member must be chair or co-chair.
Comparative Literature offers dual-title PhD programs in Comparative Literature and African StudiesComparative Literature and Asian StudiesComparative Literature and Visual Studiesand Comparative Literature and Women's Studies.
Dual-title degree programs give students a solid grounding in the fundamental methods and background of a single discipline, while allowing the student's work to be extended through participation in an interdisciplinary program that connects students to faculty across the university, allow them to do creative, high-level scholarship, and make them compelling candidates on the academic job market.
Students are admitted first to their primary department Comparative Literature and then to the second field. Students take coursework in both programs and have representatives of both programs on their committees. They may also have teaching opportunities in both programs. To apply for a dual-title PhD, you need simply to indicate on your application that you wish to be considered for acceptance into a dual-title degree program.
A formal doctoral minor requires 15 credits of approved coursework. A representative of the minor from a participating department other than the student's home department must be included on the student's doctoral committee.
Students interested in minors should notify the Graduate Director and their advisor, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university, to discuss the feasibility of fitting in the minor, and then approach the department of the minor field in order to ascertain specific course requirements, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university.
Doctoral Minor in Literary Theory, Criticism, and Aesthetics. Students in Comparative Literature and in other disciplines may choose to take a minor in literary theory, criticism, and aesthetics, which is administered jointly by Philosophy and Comparative Literature. The minor strengthens the training of students in literature and in related fields by providing a coherent philosophical and theoretical basis for their advanced work. It also provides an interdisciplinary context for their doctoral program.
A core of 6 credits exposes students to literary theory and criticism through either CMLIT or and to aesthetics or interpretation theory through either PHIL or In addition to the minor in criticism, theory, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university, and aesthetics, other minors may be useful.
Minors may also be taken in fields such as geography, history, anthropology, philosophy, theatre, or marketing. When a minor is undertaken, a representative of the minor field is included on the student's doctoral committee, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university, and some aspect or methodology of the minor subject must be present in the dissertation.
Admission to graduate study in Comparative Literature at Penn State is based on a number of considerations, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university. Above all we seek intellectually curious, highly motivated students whose interests suggest a good fit with our departmental strengths.
We welcome well-qualified applicants from diverse backgrounds. We are often asked what our committee looks for and the truth is vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university there is no standard formula. Above all we look for intellectual engagement and scholarly commitment.
The graduate committee that evaluates applicants seeks evidence of intellectual promise, openness to new ideas and methods, capacity for original scholarship, the ability to think critically and to write clearly, and potential for professional success.
Of obvious importance for scholars who will work across cultures is appropriate language preparation. Research plans that are in synch with our areas of expertise are also of importance.
We do not consider GRE scores. For full funding consideration, completed applications should be submitted by January 5. We will continue to accept applications on rolling basis thereafter; however, those who apply by January 5 will have the best opportunity for support.
We recognize that the vast majority of graduate students require financial assistance to complete their studies. We admit students with multi-year funding packages that include both a stipend and a tuition grant-in-aid.
No vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university application for vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university aid or graduate assistantship is required. Items that are provided through the on-line Graduate School Application Portal.
Applicants are instructed to request that TOEFL scores be sent to Penn State electronically. MAT scores are only available in hard copy, so those scores should be sent by postal mail directly from Pearson to Penn State. The Pennsylvania State University Graduate Enrollment Services Kern Building University Park, PA We encourage you to get to know our faculty, graduate student cohort, and program thoroughly before applying.
Our program is committed to fostering an intellectually vibrant and international environment at the university. Fully half the students in Comparative Literature come to Penn State from universities outside the United States. We have extensive experience working with, and training, students whose native language is not English, and in preparing them to succeed as scholars, either in the United States or abroad.
The TOEFL test is instead a requirement for admission. While we do take test scores into consideration, the graduate committee that evaluates applicants seeks evidence of intellectual promise, the ability to think critically and to write clearly, the capacity for original scholarship, and openness to new ideas and methods, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university.
Because we admit only students a year, we are able to offer an innovative and flexible curriculum that allows students to design individualized programs of study tailored to their interests. We aim to produce accomplished, serious intellectuals and scholars who are ready to become college or university professors, or to use the skills and training they receive at Penn State in other capacities and other professions.
First-year students go through a semester-long course, CMLITthat introduces them to the fundamental interpretive, research, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university, and writing skills of the discipline. We continue to work with students on research and writing, vicence phd dissertation pennsylvania state university, not only in coursework, but also through our Writing Fellowship Program.
Students in the program attend writing workshops and do independent studies with faculty members as they spend months working on an article to be submitted for publication in a scholarly journal.
NCA Doctoral Program Guide Video Highlight - Pennsylvania State University
, time: 7:20Ph.D. Program — Comparative Literature

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