1 day ago · Toefl essay time, research papers related to electrical engineering. Process for writing college essay essay on importance of time in punjabi, good title for a interview essay social for service Essay essay on the importance of drinking water. Essay on your favourite time of day challenges in life essay sample, descartes vs kant essay · This is a paper discussing policy in Virginia Department of ocial ervice, deals with diversity, ethics and privacy issues in the work place. It has 10 sources in Turabian style. Creativity, diversity and innovation define the health and wealth of a nation, a nation is of course not a single unit · Social service is based on the ideal of brotherhood of man. It is a natural impulse to help men in distress. It is a noble impulse. It cannot be rendered without an element of self-sacrifice. One has to spend time and energy for it. Nowadays man Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Short essay on social services
Today social service is considered to be an important part of Education. Gandhiji outlined a programme of social work to be done by the student during their long vacation. They were required to go to villages, befriend the villagers, teach the illiterate, social service essay, improve their sanitation and render them help in every possible way.
The real Indian lives in villages. Our villages present a sorry state of affairs Ignorance is the watchword of our villages, social service essay, superstitions are their backbone and backwardness is their keynote. India cannot make progress unless the lot of her teeming millions is improved. No social service can be better than the one done to uplift social service essay villages.
One of the most useful forms of social service essay service is to educate the illiterate. Social service essay aspect of the social service is to improve the health of the people, especially of the villagers.
The villagers shall have to be taught how to keep their houses and lanes neat and clean and maintain themselves in perfect health and strength. There must be a proper drainage system in order to remove insanitary conditions prevailing in our villages. Again, in a country where social service essay of the villages cannot get even two square meals a day, no social service will be more welcome than that which goes to increase their income.
This can be done by teaching some craft. The villagers must be kept busy, especially after the harvest time. They should be taught some spare time occupations to supplement their income.
Besides the above, there are other kinds of social service which can be rendered for the betterment of the poorer sections of society. They can, for instance, be taught that litigation and extravagant habits are bad and that a life of communal harmony and mutual goodwill is always better. Social service can also be done in cities at critical moments. An epidemic may break out.
The scarcity of food may result in famine, social service essay. Social service essay rains may give rise to floods and the earthquake may cause destruction. At such critical times the highest form of social service is to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to help the needy, to protect the weak and to give shelter to the homeless, social service essay.
Our young men and women rendered very useful service to rehabilitate them. Today social service has been made a part of education, social service essay.
The N. Worker, N. cadets the Boy Scouts and the Girls Guides are busy in making roads, digging canals, cleaning tanks and village wells, repairing School buildings and doing a hundred other jobs.
Students and citizens give Shram Dan as their contribution to the building of free India. Free India needs blood and toil, hardwork and continuous labour. Mere words cannot take the place of work. Today the slogan is. It depends upon our educated young persons to infuse a new life into our masses by rendering useful social service to them. Skip to content. Essay on Lohri Festival November 22, Environmental Pollution Essay in English March 13, Essay on School Vacation in English December 17, Village Uplift in India April 2, An Event in School Essay December 13, Essay on Good Habits in English January 5, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay social service essay English September 29, Essay on My Family November 12, Essay on An Accident February 23, Type your search.
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