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The Challenge of Decolonization in Africa
Through the process of decolonization that began, in most African territories, at the close of World War II, African leaders gained greater political power under European rule. In the decades that followed independence, they worked to shape the cultural, political, and economic character of the postcolonial state.
Some worked against the challenges of continued European cultural and political hegemony, while others worked with European powers in order to protect their interests and maintain control over economic and political resources.
Decolonization, then, was a process as well as a historical period. Yet the nations and regions of Africa experienced it with varying degrees of success, rwanda essay.
Byrwanda essay European political control had given way to African self-rule—except in South Africa, rwanda essay. Culturally and politically, rwanda essay, however, the legacy of European dominance remained evident in the national borders, political infrastructures, rwanda essay, education systems, rwanda essay, national languages, economies, and trade networks of each nation.
Ultimately, decolonization produced moments rwanda essay inspiration and promise, yet failed to transform African economies and political structures to bring about true autonomy and development. We are left with no choice but to fall on either the east or west, or indeed, on both of them, rwanda essay.
When decolonization began, there were reasons for optimism. The year was heralded throughout Africa and the West as rwanda essay Year of Africa" for the inspiring change that swept the continent. During that year, the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa shook the world to awaken to the horrors of white minority rule as South African police fired into a crowd of peaceful black protesters, killing sixty-nine in full view of photographers and reporters.
Also inseventeen African territories gained independence from the strong arm of European colonial rule. These seventeen nations joined the United Nation's General Assembly and gave greater voice to the non-Western world. Fully recognizing the potential for the remarkable change rwanda essay African independence could bring to global politics, on February 3,Harold Macmillan, prime minister of Great Britain from todelivered his famous speech, "Wind of Change," to the South African parliament.
It was this fear of Soviet influence in Africa, particularly on the part of the United States, that created such a major problem for African nations, rwanda essay. Western powers viewed African independence through the lens of the Cold War, rwanda essay rendered African leaders as either pro-West or pro-East; there was little acceptable middle ground.
Naïvely, most African leaders believed that they could navigate the political land mines of the Cold War through political neutrality. Along these lines, in his speech on the occasion of Kenya's independence from Britain inPrime Minister Jomo Kenyatta in power from to declared:.
Nonetheless, rwanda essay, as Africans declared themselves nonaligned, pro-West, or Marxist sympathizers, Cold War politics deprived them of the freedom to truly shape their political paths.
Combined with the strong residue of the colonial political structure, African leaders designed their rwanda essay and external politics mindful of the Western powers' vigilance against socialist or communist influences. Although Western European powers granted aid to African nations, they also coerced governments to support their agendas and instigated and aided coups against democratically elected governments.
They also fomented civil unrest to ensure that governments friendly to their Cold War agenda remained rwanda essay power and those that were not were removed by political machinations or assassination. In the Congo, for example, Joseph Mobutu took a strong anti-communist position and was subsequently rewarded by Western powers, rwanda essay. It mattered little that in he helped orchestrate the coup that removed and ultimately brought about the murder of Patrice Lumumba, was among the most anti-democratic leaders on the continent, and siphoned Western aid and revenue from the nation's natural resources into personal accounts.
Mobutu's rise to power and economic and political damage to Congo in the process—with the help of his Western allies—demonstrates that the politics of the Cold War, more than anything else, defined the successes and failures of African decolonization. In the s, Frantz Fanon, the anti-colonial intellectual and psychoanalyst, among others, described neo-colonialism as the continued exploitation of the continent from outside and within, together with European political intervention during the post-independence years.
One of the many questions that African leaders faced was whether continued economic and political interaction with former colonial powers threatened their rwanda essay and political viability. The ex- colonizers wanted to retain their former colonial territories within their sphere of influence. This continued relationship, rwanda essay, Fanon argued, benefited African politicians and the small middle class but did not benefit the national majorities.
The result was tension between the ruling classes and the majority population. In he wrote in Toward the African Revolution: "Every former colony has a particular way of achieving independence. Every new sovereign state finds itself practically under the obligation of maintaining definite and deferential relations with the former oppressor, rwanda essay.
Early in the decolonization process, there were fleeting moments in which the emerging African and Asian nations did seek to shift the political paradigm away from the Rwanda essay War's Rwanda essay dichotomy.
Foremost among rwanda essay initiatives was the Bandung Conference, held in Bandung, Indonesia, rwanda essay, from April 18 to 24, Representatives from twenty-nine Asian and African countries gathered to chart a course for neutrality in the Cold War conflict.
The attendees agreed that to avoid being trapped within a Western or Soviet political orbit, developing nations must not rely on the industrialized powers rwanda essay economic and political aid.
Therefore, they vowed to work together by pooling their developmental and technological resources to establish an economic and political sphere, a third way, to counterbalance the West and the Soviet Union. Rwanda essay, it was a challenge for African nations to forge international links beyond words on paper: few national networks of administration, rwanda essay, communication, or transportation within their borders operated consistently and effectively.
In addition, the senior administrators who ran the colonies were removed with European rule, to be replaced by Africans with far less experience. Moreover, the political system that African leaders inherited rwanda essay structured to benefit the evolving ruling rwanda essay with little regard for the needs of the people. There were few real efforts beyond the political speeches of Kwame Nkrumah—Ghana's first president, in power from to —and the words of the founding charter of the Organization of African Unity to look beyond these accepted borders toward pan-Africanist or even regional confederations.
Moreover, rwanda essay, the failure to dismantle the internal political structures imposed by European colonial regimes allowed ethnic and regional-based political competition rwanda essay acted as such a strong obstacle to national unity and progressive rule to remain at the core of local and national political structures.
Generally, the absence of national identities and political movements facilitated the continued intervention of the former colonial powers in Africa's internal affairs. In addition, with few exceptions, European powers continued to dominate the economic affairs of the former colonies. Under European rule, people were forced to grow cash crops. This practice continued after independence, and the farmers remained vulnerable to the vagaries of the world market. A fall in world prices created political instability.
This was the case in Ghana in the s when the price of cocoa collapsed, and in Rwanda in the s, rwanda essay, when the price of coffee fell. The former contributed to Nkrumah's fall from power inand the latter rwanda essay civil war and ultimately genocide in the early s.
The most outstanding post-independence leaders were cognizant of the challenges of the Cold War and ongoing European economic and political influence and sought remedies rwanda essay ensure the autonomy and development of their nations. Few pursued initiatives that transformed rwanda essay nations into bastions of economic and political stability. Nonetheless, they worked steadfastly to dismantle the colonial political structures and replaced them with systems that reflected the history, culture, rwanda essay, and needs of the people, rwanda essay.
In addition to launching a bold and expansive, if economically unviable, industrializing program, Kwame Nkrumah believed in the political and economic unification of the African continent. A federally unified state, he argued, would allow Africa to pool resources to rebuild the continent for the benefit of its people as opposed to multinational corporations.
In I Speak of Freedom, Kwame Nkrumah wrote: "It is clear we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity, rwanda essay. Divided we are weak; united, Africa could become one of the greatest forces for good in the world. From a Western standpoint, Nkrumah forged alliances that increasingly placed him in the camp of the Eastern Bloc. Western governments understood Nkrumah's agenda to be socialist and worried about his influence on other African leaders.
There are debates about the forces behind the coup rwanda essay overthrew him in Februarybut there is strong evidence from the State Department Archives that the United States was interested in removing him from power and that they worked to manipulate the international cocoa price to fuel dissatisfaction with his regime, rwanda essay.
Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania from toargued for shifting the political paradigm away from the European models inherited from the colonial era and toward indigenous Africans forms. In particular, he advocated for African socialism, which more closely aligned with the communal practices of "traditional" African societies. In his Arusha Rwanda essay, published in FebruaryNyerere declared African socialism as the model for African development.
Contrary to the Western model of economic development, Ujamaa socialism, rwanda essay, and African socialism generally, emphasized collective responsibility and advancement in place of the individual:, rwanda essay. It is stupid to rely on money as the major instrument of development when we know only too well that our country is poor.
It is equally stupid, rwanda essay, indeed it is even more stupid, for us to imagine that we shall rid ourselves of our poverty through rwanda essay financial assistance rather than our own financial resources From now on we shall rwanda essay upright and walk forward on our feet rather than look at this problem upside down, rwanda essay.
Industries will come and money will come, but their foundation is the people and their hard work, rwanda essay, especially in agriculture. This is the meaning of self-reliance. Self-reliance and the freedom to aggressively pursue an autonomous global political position proved elusive in an era in which the West defined its friends by their perceived position within the Cold War divide.
Unique among the overtly socialist leaders in Africa, Nyerere enjoyed political longevity and friendly relations with Western and Eastern Bloc nations. Yet throughout the s the Tanzanian economy, and Nyerere's Ujamaa socialism for that matter, failed to produce the economic and political benefits that it espoused, rwanda essay.
In Congo, Patrice Lumumba, rwanda essay first prime minister, also battled the forces of the Cold War but with more tragic consequences. Rwanda essay Independence Day, June 30,Lumumba delivered a speech in the presence of the king of Belgium, rwanda essay, denouncing the atrocities of colonial rule and declaring that Congo would establish an autonomous government and an economy for the people:.
We are going to show the world what the black man can do rwanda essay he works in freedom, and we are going to make of the Congo the center of the rwanda essay radiance for all of Africa.
We are going to keep watch over the lands of our country so that they truly profit her children. We are going to restore ancient laws and make new ones which will be just and noble And for all that, dear fellow countrymen, be sure that we will count not only on our enormous strength and rwanda essay riches but on the assistance of numerous foreign countries whose collaboration we will accept if it is offered freely and with no attempt to impose on us an alien culture of no matter what nature The Congo's independence marks a decisive step towards the liberation of the entire African continent.
Western powers viewed Lumumba as dangerous and vulnerable to falling under Soviet sway, and they quickly collaborated on a plan with the United Nations' assistance to undermine him. He served as prime minister for fewer than seven months before he was deposed and assassinated as part of a plot drawn up by the United States, Belgium, and their allies within the Congo. Because Western powers rwanda essay that the country's resources would be nationalized or, even worse, be made available to the Soviet Union, they thought it necessary to have a pro-Western government installed, regardless of its legitimacy within the Congo or its commitment to democracy and development.
The United States' deep investment in destabilizing the democratically elected, post-independence government of Angola is arguably the most profound example of Western influence and its destructive consequences for Africa.
In Angola gained its independence from Portugal, and three nationalist groups subsequently fought for control of the government: the MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angolarwanda essay, led by President José Eduardo dos Santos and backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union; UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angolaled by Jonas Savimbi and backed by South Africa and the United States; and the FNLA National Liberation Front rwanda essay Angolabacked by Zaire's president, Mobutu Sese Seko he had changed the name Congo to Zaire in Cuban and Soviet support for MPLA, including Cuban troops rwanda essay by Che Guevara, forced Zaire and South Africa to withdraw their forces, rwanda essay, which allowed the democratically elected MPLA to organize a government.
Savimbi and UNITA became the rwanda essay opposition but enjoyed little support beyond Savimbi's Ovimbundu ethnic group and financing from the United States. The basis for American support for UNITA was that Savimbi declared himself an avowed anti-Marxist, in contrast to rwanda essay nominally Marxist MPLA, rwanda essay. In a meeting at the White House, U. President Ronald Reagan declared Savimbi a "freedom fighter" for his struggle against dos Santos and the MPLA.
Yet inwhen news of Savimbi's death reached Luanda, the Angolan capital, rwanda essay, people poured into the streets shouting, "The terrorist is gone! It was only with Savimbi's death that fighting ended between the MPLA government and UNITA. The twenty-seven-year civil war caused so much destruction to the nation that UNICEF declared Angola the worst place in the world to be a child. Angola stands as a harsh illustration of the direct consequence of civil war, Cold War politics, and failures in African leadership.
Between the early s and the mids, as African leaders south of the Sahara took direct control of their economies, rwanda essay, political institutions, and resources, they entered the brutal trap of Cold War—era global politics.
European economic and political influence remained deeply entrenched in Africa throughout the period because of their strategic interests in maintaining unobstructed access to Africa's natural resources and in supporting governments friendly to Western political interests. More important, there was an acute failure of African leadership in many of the newly independent African nations as Western aid and a focus on anti-communism paved the way for political corruption and self-interest among African leaders.
Decolonization, therefore, released Africans from their status as colonial subjects but failed to rid African nations of the sway of rwanda essay former colonial rulers, other Western powers, and a culture of political and economic exploitation and corruption.
Fanon, Frantz, rwanda essay. Toward the African Revolution, trans.
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Sep 26, · Step 5: Develop the content of the essay. Now its time to organize the content and rightful information for writing a comparative essay. Step 6: Develop the structure of the essay. Now develop the structure of the essay. The structure contains the format in which your essay would be arranged. Step 7. Write introduction Sep 14, · Fieldwork experiences can often be a daunting way of conducting research but they can also be fulfilling. I have had first-hand experience conducting fieldwork for my master’s degree, and while it was a generally enjoyable experience, I did make a number of mistakes during the process Sep 27, · ON SEPTEMBER 20TH a court in Rwanda found Paul Rusesabagina guilty of links to terrorist groups and sentenced him to 25 years in jail. His real crime, however, was to oppose President Paul Kagame
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