Consumer Culture Essay. Words4 Pages. Consumer culture is a fundamental part of many modern societies across the world, influencing a wide a range of areas from politics to economics and identity. Consumption is viewed as significantly powerful force in the economy and therefore understanding consumption and consumer culture is a vitally important While consumption is an act, consumer culture is a way of life. It is quite likely that never before in history has consumption become one of the central values of a culture. In modern society one learns merely to consume, and tasteful or appropriate consumption is only one of The rise of the consumer culture is a phenomenon characterizing the 20th and 21st centuries, where the economy depends on the population's spending on goods and services. There is a psychological impact of consumerism that promotes destructive values
Consumer Culture Essay Free Essay Example
Consumer culture essay major challenge of understanding the target market is to adapt effectively to different cultures. Such adaption requires an understanding of cultural diversity such as norms and sanctions, culture perceptions and dimensions, how culture is a learned process that can be view under enculturation and acculturation processes, how verbal and nonverbal communication can affect the penetration in the target market and how this differ in different countries and even in different locations of the same country, and finally the understanding of emerging cultures.
This essay will cover all aspects mentioned and explains each one with a relevant example, which is applicable in the current market. There is no single definition of culture. Fletcher defines culture as the total way of life society; Hofstede states that cultures are the collective programming of mind Crawford,p.
Culture embodies meaning; otherwise, the consumption but its self has no absolute meaning. Furthermore, consumer culture can be held societal beliefs that define what is socially gratifying. Culture defines the meaning to objects in different cultures such as the size of a flat in Japan may be smaller comparing with a flat in Australia, because space is limited in Japan. It gives meaning of activities realised by different individuals in the different culture, and also its understanding facilitates communication between people from different cultures.
Therefore, consumers need culture in order to guide their consumption actions effectively. Culture norm refers to rules that specific the appropriate consumer behaviour in a given situation within a specific culture. For example, if a woman is drinking alcohol beverages in a bar in India, this is culturally unacceptable. Culture sanctions refer to the penalties associated with performing a non-gratifying or culturally inconsistent behaviour.
In the last example, the woman can be looked and judged as a person who does not come from a good family. In addition, consumer culture essay, each society defines its own norms and the ways in which they are realized. Consumers are influenced by market trends.
Therefore, when they make a consumption decision, trends in the market and what is fashion are important. Popular consumer culture essay captures cultural trends and shapes norms and sanctions within society. American companies use celebrities such as Consumer culture essay Perry, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to advertise their products, because American culture is very consumer culture essay by these people.
Moreover, every consumer plays various different roles in society, and creates expectations from the point of view of another person. Then, role expectations become a primary basis. When a foreigner travels to India, he or she expects local people to understand at least 2 languages English and Indianbecause of Indian background and also both language are official in there.
However, the same foreigner cannot expect the same from Mexican people, even though Mexico is very influenced by the United States of America; consumer culture essay a small group of its population speaks English.
The function of culture is integration, adaptation, communication and expression. Societies are organized politically into nations, but within this national unity subcultures may exist with specific cultures characteristics. Italy and India are relevant examples for this case, consumer culture essay from the north and south of both countries have specific characteristic that differentiate between each other, such as clothing, dining habits, culinary dishes, even religion and dialectics.
Additionally, culture is influenced by ecological factors and tradition. Analysing these two components will assist to distinct people from different cultures and understand their culture.
First, consumer culture essay, ecological factors are physical characteristic that describe the physical environment and habitat of a particular place. For example, people who live in areas with low rainfall forecast usually look for houses with flat roofs; which is the opposite selection of house construction for people who live in a high rainfall forecast.
Second, tradition is this sense refers to customs and accepted ways of structuring society, which includes things like family, and political structure of society. In Pakistan, consumer culture essay, arranged marriage among the members of the same family is culturally acceptable, rewarding and common; while in others nations is seen as orthodox, old fashionable and even unacceptable.
Consequently, companies must target these components in order to penetrate the market efficiently and consumer advertising may need to differ based on the traditional family decision-making style associated with culture. Measuring culture in a global basis consumer culture essay a challenge that was best achieved by Geert Hofstede. His theory of value-based differences in cultures is based on five keys dimensions, with each dimension representing a core societal value.
First dimension is power distance. This dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept consumer culture essay expect that power is distributed unequally. People in societies exhibiting a large degree of power distance accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which consumer culture essay no further justification. In societies with low power distance, consumer culture essay, people strive to equalise the distribution of power and demand justification for inequalities of power Hofstede, The relationship distance between employers and employees in countries such as India, China and Korea is longer than in countries such as Australia and the United States of America, consumer culture essay.
Second dimension is individualism, means the extent to which people expect. Home Page Culture Consumer Culture, consumer culture essay. Available Only on StudyHippo. CultureSocial PsychologySocietyTradition, consumer culture essay. Pages: 5 words Published: August 3, View Entire Sample Consumer culture essay Sample.
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Consumer Cultures
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Along with the development of industrial advances and urbanization of the emerging American culture was the growth and subsequent domination of the “consumer culture”. Consumer culture is a term that goes hand and hand with the American way of life today, but in those days it was a new and unique experience While consumption is an act, consumer culture is a way of life. It is quite likely that never before in history has consumption become one of the central values of a culture. In modern society one learns merely to consume, and tasteful or appropriate consumption is only one of Consumer Culture Essay. Words4 Pages. Consumer culture is a fundamental part of many modern societies across the world, influencing a wide a range of areas from politics to economics and identity. Consumption is viewed as significantly powerful force in the economy and therefore understanding consumption and consumer culture is a vitally important
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