Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Causes of world war 2 essays

Causes of world war 2 essays

causes of world war 2 essays

The Causes of World War II: The seeds of world war II lies in the instability created by world war I. particularly the instability in Germany in the economic and political conditions due to the harshness of the Versailles treaty and as a result the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party The effects of the treaty of Versailles: The treaty of Versailles harshness was one of the main causes for the outbreak of World War II Well, world war II had six major causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, the failure of peace efforts after world war I, the rise of Fascism, the goals of Hitler, the isolationism by America and Britain, and the re-armament of Europe. This paper will go over each of these causes individually and then draw some conclusions about world war II Apr 10,  · A prominent cause of World War II was the policy of appeasement adopted by the Western powers (primarily England and France) which rose directly out of the rise of Fascism in Central Europe. England and France allowed Germany and Italy to continue with their acts of aggression towards the communist parties in the hope that favouring Fascist powers would help weaken the Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

Essay: Causes of World War 2

Out of all the wars that the world has gone through, none has been more devastating as world war II. But what caused this war? Well, world war II had six major causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, the failure of peace efforts after world war I, the rise of Fascism, the goals of Hitler, the isolationism by America and Britain, and the re-armament of Europe.

This paper will go over each of these causes individually and then draw some conclusions about world war II. The first cause of world war II was the intense anger over the Versailles Treaty. Germany was very angry over two things and the first of which was the many territorial losses they had to endure as a result of the treaty.

Giving Poland Sea access split Germany into two parts, the main part of Germany, and a small portion to the North of the Danzig corridor. The Danzig corridor really inflamed Germany for many years, but they really could not do anything about the situation because they lost world war I. Another country that was angry over the Versailles Treaty was Italy. They were angry because they thought that the land that they had received as a payment for their participation in the Allied effort against Germany did not offset the cost of the war, nor did it satisfy their ambitions to grow.

The final country that was angry over the Versailles Treaty was Japan. They were also a victor over Germany and they wanted to gain control over China as reward for their participation in the war. This, however, did not happen and they were angry over the situation. The second cause of world war II was the failure of the many peace efforts that occurred after world war I.

The problem was that the League did not have any real power. The only thing it could do was try to persuade the offending nation to concede and if that did not work out they could impose economic sanctions on that country. But the league had so little power that the sanctions it passed were normally ignored and it could do nothing from that point on. Another failed peace effort was the Washington Conference. At this conference the principal naval powers agreed to limit their navies according to a fixed ratio.

But again none of the powers really went through with their agreement. Yet another failed peace effort was the Locarno Conference. This conference produced a treaty between France and Germany stating that the border between the two countries was guaranteed.

However, causes of world war 2 essays, we know that this treaty failed because Germany invaded France during world war II. The final failed causes of world war 2 essays effort was the Paris Peace Act.

At this conference all of the major countries, excluding Russia, and many smaller countries agreed that war was not a national policy and stated that they would try to resolve problems through diplomatic means.

The only way that war was acceptable in this act was by means of self-defense. These did not directly cause world war II, but they made it possible by their obvious lack of power. Countries still did not trust each other enough to follow through with the good ideas that they causes of world war 2 essays. The third cause of world war II was the rise of Fascism.

Fascism was a causes of world war 2 essays that began before world war I, but did not become a serious political power until Benito Mussolini took control of the Italian government in Under Mussolini Italy became a Totalitarian government where labor unions were abolished and political opponents were killed or silenced.

The first of these problems was the lowered living standard of the Italian people. The people lost their eight hour work day protection and their wages were lowered by the government. Mussolini acknowledged that the living standard had gone down, but explained it by saying that the Italian people were not used to eating much anyway, so they would not feel the lack of food as badly as others.

Another thing the Fascist government caused causes of world war 2 essays an increased birthrate in Italy. Mussolini wanted women to have more children so that he could create a larger army in the future. In this way he felt that he could have a large army by the time he was ready to go to war for more land. Mussolini used tactics much like the communists in that he had total control over all of the Italian population and could have people killed whenever he wanted.

Italy, however, was not the only country to fall under Fascism. Germany adopted this form of government only it was called national socialism. They were particularly hateful to the Jewish people, causes of world war 2 essays, which was proven after they started to exterminate all of the Jews within central Europe after world war II started. These events did not directly cause world war II, but they brought us to the brink of war.

People that listened to these dictators believed that these men could bring them to world domination. He had a vision of the German people becoming a master race and dominating the entire world, but he also knew that he could not achieve all this during the war he intended to start, causes of world war 2 essays. He, however, had two major goals which was to bring all of central Europe together and form a larger Germany and to create more room for Germany to grow by taking over Poland.

This was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles and Hitler wanted to see how far he could push his adversaries before they would strike back, causes of world war 2 essays. If Britain had not been so passive to Hitler they might have stopped this war before it ever started, causes of world war 2 essays.

They, however, allowed Hitler to do this because they did not want to start another war. Hitler then pushed the European powers further and further until he invaded Poland and Europe had no choice but to react.

The fifth cause of world war II was American and British isolationism. After world war I America turned away from Europe and went back to its domestic problems. The American people did not want anything to do with European affairs because many of the debts that were accrued during the war were not being paid and Americans were very bitter.

If one or both of these countries had attempted to stop Hitler when he first came into power he probably would have been thrown out of office and world war II might have been prevented. The final cause of world war II was a direct result from all of the previous causes, and that is the rearmament of all the European powers.

Tensions started to increase as Hitler tested the European powers and most if not all countries began to increase their armies and navies. This brought war closer because it meant that the government leaders were prepared to use force to resolve the problems that Hitler was causing, and it raised tensions even higher than they already were.

In conclusion, world war II was not an extension of world war I, but world war I was a big cause of world war II. Most of the causes of world war II came out of the Treaty of Versailles, and if that treaty had been better there might not have been world war II. Nevertheless, world war II happened and we can only learn from the mistakes we see from the past. Assess the Importance and Significance of Aircraft During WWI and WWII. Some terms need to…. American and Soviet relations deteriorated in the decade following World War II.

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The Causes of World War II Essay - Words | Bartleby

causes of world war 2 essays

The Causes of World War II: The seeds of world war II lies in the instability created by world war I. particularly the instability in Germany in the economic and political conditions due to the harshness of the Versailles treaty and as a result the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party The effects of the treaty of Versailles: The treaty of Versailles harshness was one of the main causes for the outbreak of World War II Well, world war II had six major causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, the failure of peace efforts after world war I, the rise of Fascism, the goals of Hitler, the isolationism by America and Britain, and the re-armament of Europe. This paper will go over each of these causes individually and then draw some conclusions about world war II Apr 10,  · A prominent cause of World War II was the policy of appeasement adopted by the Western powers (primarily England and France) which rose directly out of the rise of Fascism in Central Europe. England and France allowed Germany and Italy to continue with their acts of aggression towards the communist parties in the hope that favouring Fascist powers would help weaken the Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

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